February 26, 2018
The Library and Your Research: Retaining Rights to Promote Your Research today
Submitted by Sarah McGreer Hoyt

Grad students: Take your scholarship to the next level with "The Library and Your Research." Join K-State Libraries at 1:30 p.m. Feb. 26 in 407 Hale Library.
Writing and publishing your scholarly work can be both an exciting undertaking and a daunting task. This workshop, Retaining Rights to Promote Your Research, will cover how to understand publisher copyright contracts, your rights as an author, and how you can potentially retain more of your rights when you decide to publish. Working on a thesis, dissertation, or report? Learn how to reuse your own work in your ETDR or publications and how to legally and ethically reuse others' works, all while getting a crash course in copyright.
The Library and Your Research is a free workshop series that helps graduate students enhance and professionalize their scholarly pursuits. The series is sponsored by the Graduate Student Council and K-State Libraries.