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  4. »Update from Multicultural Student Center planning group

K-State Today

April 13, 2017

Update from Multicultural Student Center planning group

Submitted by Multicultural Student Center planning group

An update from the Multicultural Student Center planning group:

We are moving forward with collecting campus input. A survey link was sent last week to all registered student organizations, deans, directors and department heads, asking these groups to consider with their membership the questions on this survey and submit responses. We are receiving responses, but hope to hear from many more groups by the survey's closing date of April 21.

To make sure your group's voice is heard, contact the appropriate advisor, department head, or group leader. You also may contact one of the planning group's co-chairs: Kimathi Choma at kchoma@k-state.edu, Bryan Davis at bryandavis20@k-state.edu or Mary Tolar at mtolar@k-state.edu. 

All responses will be shared and made available publicly as part of our planning process. Once we have analyzed the group survey responses, we will develop and offer an individual, campuswide survey to capture additional feedback and further refine the outcomes and opportunities of this center.

Reminder: The group survey opened April 5 and closes Friday, April 21. We anticipate the individual survey to open May 1, close May 12, and that the planning group's recommendations will be shared with the senior leadership team the week of May 22. We aim to work inclusively and steadily to meet our charge and our timeline.

K-Staters also can join the conversation on the potential Multicultural Student Center with students from LEAD 405, the K-State Black Student Union and SGA from 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, April 13, in the Big 12 Room of the K-State Student Union.

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