November 2, 2015
K-State Book Network announces student, faculty/staff awards

The K-State Book Network announces two award opportunities: one for students and one for faculty/staff.
The K-State Book Network invites students to share their experience of the issues raised by "The Other Wes Moore." What did you learn from Wes Moore about yourself or your community?
This experience can be shared through a non-fiction essay, creative writing, music, video, visual art, filmed performance art, games, or some other medium. The selection committee particularly encourages submission of short two-minute personal videos. Entries should indicate the basis for the experience, such as Wes Moore's book, Wes Moore's lecture, conversation with Wes Moore, a classroom discussion, or another event or program or reading selection.
The contest is open to all K-State students. The winner will receive a $250 scholarship for the spring 2016 semester.
The K-State Book Network also invites submissions from faculty or staff members who have created learning activities related "The Other Wes Moore."
Activities may include, but are not limited to, paper assignments, events, discussions and programs. One outstanding activity will be selected based on the following criteria: creative application of theme(s) from the book, engagement of students in program, project, or activity; and demonstrated enthusiasm for enhancing the educational experience at K-State.
Winners of both awards will be recognized at the launch of the 2016 book selection in spring 2016. Entries are due by Dec. 15 to