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K-State Today

November 2, 2015

Research Support Task Force will address resource acquisition and distribution

Submitted by Karen Burg

Dear faculty and staff,

In his August letter to campus, President Schulz outlined goals and objectives for the coming year, as supported by members of his cabinet, with focus on continuing to move aggressively toward K-State 2025 objectives. In the area of research, scholarly, and creative activities and discovery (Theme 1), item 5 on the list was the establishment of a university-wide task force to address research support. I'm pleased to announce the formation and launch of that task force!

The members of this group are charged with delivering a report to the president in March 2016 that addresses models and modes of research support in three areas:

  1. Sponsored research overhead, or indirect cost recovery distribution
  2. Development and fundraising for research support
  3. Fee schedules and advance business plan development for major initiatives and equipment

Discussion of service and investment expectations with respect to central administrative sponsored research overhead dollars will be included, as will a review of data and best/worst practices from peer, Big 12 and other research-intensive institutions. In short, the task force will be discussing and offering defined ways that we as a campus can work collaboratively to support research, scholarly and creative activities and discovery activity in a positive, forward-thinking fashion as we address many, many challenges. There will be ample opportunities for input from campus.

Task force members are:

  • Chair: Mary Rezac, interim associate vice president for research, Office of the Vice President for Research and professor and Tim Taylor chair, Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering
  • Amit Chakrabarti, head, Department of Physics, College of Arts & Sciences
  • John Floros, dean, College of Agriculture and director, Research and Extension
  • Mark Haub, head, Department of Human Nutrition, College of Human Ecology
  • Roberta Johnson, director, Administrative & Information Technology Services, Libraries
  • Bob Rowland, professor, Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Jackie Spears, professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
  • Ruth Welti, university distinguished professor, Division of Biology, College of Arts & Sciences

A group of individuals with collective expertise in budget and finance, communications and marketing, development/fundraising, facilities, and pre-/post-awards policies and procedures are serving as ex officio members and resource experts. Mandy Cole, Ian Czarneski, Shannon Fisher, Sarah Hancock, Ed Heptig, Paul Lowe and Chris Spooner are serving in this capacity; task force members will seek additional expertise as necessary.

Please join me in thanking all members of the task force for their commitment of time and energy. Watch for opportunities to contribute to this very important and exciting discussion.


Karen J.L. Burg

In this issue

From the vice president for research
News and research
Human resources and benefits
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
Campus construction activities
Campus construction and maintenance