August 19, 2015
New publications from New Prairie Press: Spring, summer 2015
Submitted by Sarah McGreer Hoyt

K-State Libraries' New Prairie Press has released four new open-access monographs in recent months:
- "K-State First Guide to College Student Success: The Essentials for First-Year Students at Kansas State University" by Tara Coleman, Gregory Eiselein, Kylie Kinley, Emily Lehning, Mandi McKinley and Mariya Vaughan.
The guide is a resource for students navigating their first year at Kansas State University. It plays a key role in fulfilling K-State First's mission to create an outstanding university experience for every first-year student. The textbook fosters campus community, offers resources for diverse activities, highlights academic expectations and empowers students with personal responsibility and social agency. - "Human Issues in Horticulture: A Bibliography" by Diana M. Farmer.
This comprehensive bibliography of horticultural therapy includes monographs, treatises, books, pamphlets, theses, dissertations and media published prior to 2000. The subject reflects a change in the definition of horticulture from simply the art and science of growing fruits, vegetables and flowers to also include horticulture's effects on human well-being. - "K-State Keepsakes" by Anthony R. Crawford.
"K-State Keepsakes" features a series of essays that appeared on K-State Libraries' "Talking in the Library" blog between 2006 and 2013. The posts describe important events and unique tales from the university's history, from historic firsts to notable athletes, leaders and alumni. Each entry features documents and images in the university archives at The Richard L.D. and Marjorie J. Morse Department of Special Collections. - "incite Change | Change insight" by Tim Keane.
This monograph features peer-reviewed papers on the theme of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, or CELA, 2015 National Meeting and Conference: "incite Change | Change insight." The call for papers noted, "When we teach, design and serve, we incite change. When we observe change it informs our insight; deepening our understanding, broadening application of acts, processes, representations and the results of creating difference. How do you incite change? How do you change insight?" The resulting works address shifts in the teaching, creative inquiry, research, outreach, and practice of landscape architecture and its allied arts and sciences.
New Prairie Press invites queries or manuscript proposals for their ebooks publishing program. Simply review the permission to publish and distribute agreement and contact New Prairie Press at
Additionally, editors interested in starting an open access journal or in digitizing and moving an existing journal to an open access model, or faculty and administrators exploring options for open conference proceedings should contact Char Simser at