April 23, 2015
Federal Communications Commission Amateur Radio license testing set for April 25.

Federal Communications Commission Amateur Radio license testing is scheduled Saturday, April 25.
The testing session offers examinations for the three levels of FCC Amateur Radio licenses: technician, general and extra. The testing session starts at 1 p.m. in 236 Nichols Hall, the Computer Science Conference Room. No prior appointment is necessary, walk-ins are welcome.
This is your opportunity to experience the fun and excitement of amateur radio by joining the ranks of FCC licensed operators, which now number more than 700,000 people. Certified American Radio Relay League Volunteer Examiners from the Kansas State Amateur Radio Club and the Manhattan Amateur Radio Society will administer the examinations.
For more information, contact Vern Wirka at vwirka@k-state.edu or 785-532-2332.