TLC Bi-Weekly Newsletter for Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

Good morning, K-Staters!

We are now in the last week of classes for the Fall 2023 semester, and the Teaching & Learning Center (TLC) would like to remind you of our commitment to support your efforts in teaching, mentoring, and advising. We are excited to announce the various priorities, events, and resources that are designed to advance teaching and learning at K-State. This video explains what the TLC can do for you.

TEVAL Reminder

You can administer your TEVALs between now and Tuesday, December 19th. The deadline for creating an online TEVAL is December 15th. We have a video resource to help you set up your TEVALs on Canvas.

Please note that we highly recommend creating and administering your TEVALs sooner rather than later so that students have time to complete them. We also recommend that you and your students view the following video created by the Student Governing Association explaining the importance of TEVALs and how students can provide useful feedback for faculty.

NOTE: We recommend administering TEVALs by offering students class time to log-on to Canvas and complete them on their phones, tablets, laptops, or class computers after you step out of the room. This will offer the best return rate. Given our university handbook requirements regarding anonymity, other incentivizing methods are not recommended.

Once grades have been released by the university on Wednesday, December 20th, primary instructors can retrieve their TEVAL reports from Canvas. If you have additional questions, please contact the TLC at 785-532-7828 or

Decision Tree: Student Request For Flexibility

The University of Nebraska – Lincoln has created a wonderful resource that may be relevant at this point in the semester with respect to student requests for flexibility. Their decision tree helps guide you to one of three outcomes: 1) grant request for whole class, 2) grant request for students in similar situations, and 3) decline the request.

Programs & Events

We are wrapping up another semester of our Professional Development (PD) Series, which occurs Wednesdays at 12 noon via Zoom. All events are free, and no registration is required. As we finalize our PD Series, we will post the schedule on the Upcoming Events page of our website and on our social media: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.


  • On Wednesday, December 6th, Ryan Staley, Co-Associate Director & Training Director of Counseling & Psychological Services, will lead a Need-To-Know event titled, “Supporting Students and Ourselves: What Makes This Hard and How Do We Do It?” Click here to view the promotional video.


Also, if you are interested in earning a PD Certificate or in becoming a TLC Fellow for this academic year, check out the requirements on our website.

Engage the Sage Videos to Support Excellent Teaching

We would like to remind you of several video resources as part of Dr. Don Saucier’s YouTube channel, Engage the Sage, that are particularly relevant toward the end of the semester:

Our two newest releases:

Thank You & Encouragement

We are grateful for your continued support of your students and colleagues and hope you take advantage of the resources available to you at K-State, including us at the TLC, throughout the upcoming semester. Thank you for all you do for your colleagues and our students. And thank you for advancing K-State’s teaching and learning mission with energy and optimism.



The Teaching and Learning Center Team