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  4. »Finney County K-State community visit continues today, follow along on social media

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 25, 2023

Finney County K-State community visit continues today, follow along on social media

Submitted by Division of Communications and Marketing

As part of the Kansas State University presidential community visit initiative, K-State is hosting a two-day community visit in Finney County and the Garden City region. The visit began on Monday, April 24, and continues on Tuesday, April 25. Check out K-State's Instagram and Facebook stories today to follow the community visit events throughout the two-day visit.

The visit includes activities to engage with, listen to and learn from Kansans in Finney County and the Garden City area. View a schedule with full details for the April 24 and 25 Finney County community visit.

President Richard Linton and K-State Connected 'Cats students will lead several events, including community conversations, recruitment activities and events to highlight university partnerships and K-State Research and Extension relationships. The Connected 'Cats students are both from Garden City and include Tram Pham, senior in accounting and finance, and Jade Valdez-Gomez, junior in dietetics with a minor in leadership studies.

K-State continues traveling the state as part of the presidential community visit initiative that focuses on the people of Kansas and their communities. The initiative consists of nine community visits throughout the state this academic year. See where K-State has been and where the university is going next.

A communications toolkit is available to help K-Staters share a consistent message about the university's relationships, partnerships and contributions throughout the state of Kansas. The toolkit offers a pathway for any university unit to plug in to the initiative and help share stories of engagement across the state.

Access the communications toolkit on the community visit website. Please be prepared to enter your K-State eID and password to access the information.