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  4. »Reminder: Faculty, staff can win prizes by getting COVID-19 vaccine

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

September 22, 2021

Reminder: Faculty, staff can win prizes by getting COVID-19 vaccine

Submitted by Division of Communications and Marketing

Kansas State University faculty and staff can win prizes — including Apple Watches, Apple MacBook Pros, K-State Union gift cards and more — by getting the COVID-19 vaccination.

Every week the university draws names of faculty or staff members who meet the following requirements:

Weekly prize drawings will continue every Monday through Nov. 22. A list of prizes by level is available on the K-State COVID-19 website.

The second weekly drawing occurred on Monday, Sept. 20. The full list of prizes and the winners' units included:

  • $50 K-State Student Union gift cards went to employees in Division of Information Technology; College of Architecture, Planning & Design; College of Business Administration; College of Agriculture; Center for Hazardous Substance Research; Division of Communications and Marketing; College of Health and Human Sciences; and K-State Innovation Partners.
  • An Apple Watch went to an employee at the K-State Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus.

K-State also is offering a COVID-19 vaccination incentive program for students.

Vaccination is the best protection against COVID-19. K-State continues to strongly encourage all students, faculty and staff who can receive a COVID-19 vaccine to do so.

Learn more about the vaccination incentive program for faculty and staff and the vaccination incentive program for students.

COVID-19 vaccines are available by appointment at Lafene Health Center. To schedule an appointment, log in to your myLAFENE+ patient portal or call 785-532-6544.

No purchase necessary. COVID-19 vaccines are available through Lafene Health Center and other providers at no cost. Faculty and staff members should review the potential side effects and other safety risks associated with receiving a COVID-19 vaccine published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and/or consult with their medical provider when deciding whether to be vaccinated.