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K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

November 8, 2018

Center for Advocacy, Response and Education awarded VOCA grant for fourth consecutive year

Submitted by Shanese McGregor

The Center for Advocacy, Response and Education, or CARE, received a $280,791 grant from the Kansas Governor's Grant Program to strengthen the quality and consistency of direct services to victims/survivors of domestic, dating and sexual violence, sexual harassment and stalking. This is the fourth consecutive year the center has been awarded these funds.

The Victims of Crime Act, or VOCA, serves as a major source of funding for victim services throughout the country. The grant will allow the center to expand its services at the Manhattan campus and also provide resources to crime victims/survivors at the Polytechnic and Olathe campuses. The grant funds will be used to adequately address the goals and objectives due to the demands for services and outreach from the K-State community.

The CARE office has made it a goal for this year's grant cycle to highlight and stress the benefits of the CARE Healing Fund. The CARE Healing Fund is a service that assists survivors in receiving the therapies they need in order to reach their full potential, heal and enhance affordable mental health options. Survivors who have experienced direct trauma and secondary trauma can access these funds. The CARE Healing Fund can be used at on or off-campus mental health agencies.

In addition to receiving VOCA funds, Megan McCall, a full-time, grant-funded intake specialist, has been added to the center's staff to help reach the goals of the grant.

McCall, originally from Goodland, is no stranger to Manhattan. She obtained her bachelor's and master's degrees in sociology from Kansas State University.

Previously, McCall served as a bridge coordinator with Rose Brooks Center in Kansas City. As a bridge coordinator, she provided hospital-based domestic violence advocacy. McCall has displayed a true passion to building a community where survivors are believed and supported and where abuse of any kind is not tolerated, and has taken a stand against violence.

CARE advocates are available to meet with K-State students, faculty and staff members who have experienced sexual violence, dating or domestic violence, stalking or sexual harassment. Advocates offer confidential support and aid survivors in exploring their options.

For more information or to set up an appointment call 785-532-6444 or email ksucare@k-state.edu.

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