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  4. »Division of Biology presents Rebecca Safran Nov. 9

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

November 8, 2018

Division of Biology presents Rebecca Safran Nov. 9

Submitted by Division of Biology

The Division of Biology welcomes Rebecca Safran, University of Colorado, as part of its seminar series at 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 9, in 221 Ackert Hall. Safran will present "The Role of Adaptation in Phenotype Divergence and Speciation: An Integrative and Comparative Perspective."

Safran will speak of evolutionary mechanisms that lead to changes in the phenotypic and genomic features of populations; population genetics and patterns of phenotype differentiation are often used to infer which of these mechanisms are at work. Here, Safran highlighted the need to more directly study the underlying processes and mechanistic basis of population-level patterns. Barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) are widespread throughout their northern hemispherewide breeding distribution with fascinating levels of morphological and behavioral divergence among six closely related populations. Safran's lab studies the role of evolutionary mechanisms in shaping phenotype and genomic variation among populations in this young species complex. Experiments and selection studies within populations predict population-level differences in signaling traits and migratory behavior. Analyses within hybrid zones also reveal that differences in both signal and migratory traits are predictive of gene flow and the evolution of reproductive isolation among sub-species in secondary contact.

If you would like to visit with Safran, contact Elsie Shogren at eshogren@k-state.edu

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