Hiring, Onboarding and Offboarding

Hiring Remote Employees

Department heads and supervisors should review the Evaluating Remote Work Opportunities guide and complete the Remote Work Suitability Assessment before exploring a new hire process for remote work. This form documents suitability factors for remote work and is utilized to obtain appropriate approval from senior leadership at the cabinet or dean level as appropriate to proceed with establishing a remote work arrangement. Because the position is vacant, the department head or supervisor is encouraged to complete the assessment as applicable.

Once the position is deemed suitable and approval is obtained, if a department would like to hire for a remote work position, HR is glad to assist the department with this process.

  1. Hiring Manager/HR Liaison contacts the appropriate Talent Acquisition Strategic Partner to discuss the hiring process.
  2. At the search committee kick-off meeting, the hiring manager communicates the possibility of remote work in case questions arise during the interview process.
  3. The Position Announcement includes standard language to indicate remote work options and ensure applicants understand the remote work opportunity.
  4. Positions are posted indicating one of the following worksite options which are searchable on the careers page:
    1. Remote Required
    2. Remote Eligible
    3. Onsite Requirement
    4. Hybrid Eligible
    5. Hybrid and/or Remote Eligible
  5. Talent Acquisition proceeds with the standard requisition process.


Creating a positive onboarding experience for remote employees is especially important. Whether your entire department is remote, or you have a few employees who are remote, hiring managers and HR Liaisons are encouraged to think about planning a positive onboarding experience for the new hire. This may include coordination of virtual meetings and mailing items to the employee’s home. HR has crafted a thorough onboarding guide that can be found here. In addition, new employees are encouraged to attend K-State New Employee Welcome (KSNEW) - a holistic onboarding experience designed to increase knowledge and understanding of K-State and what it means to work for the university.

Furthermore, it is important to share K-State policies that all employees are expected to abide by regardless of their employment location. Some examples may include, but are not limited to the following:

Departments are also encouraged to cover topics with new hires that may be pertinent to employees such as attendance, confidentiality, dress code, etc. Many of these items are also included in the onboarding guide linked above.

New employees working remotely must complete the required on-boarding documents just as they would if the employee were physically working on campus. Please access the Personnel Actions on the HR website for a forms checklist based on the employee’s appointment type.


When a remote work employee separates from the university, the same transactions and procedures will be followed just as an employee who is physically located on campus. A Change or Separation Form (PER-39) and a copy of a resignation letter or exit interview must be submitted to Human Resources. All exit procedures should be followed to secure university property. This includes returning any university property documented on the Department Equipment Inventory Form and Agreement. For additional information, the employee may reference Leaving the University on the Human Resources’ website.


Related PPM Chapters

PPM 4045 Remote Work Policy

Checklist for Establishing a Remote Work Arrangement

To establish a successful remote work arrangement (including hybrid remote work), the following steps should be completed:

  1. Review Remote Work Policy and accompanying resources.
  2. Utilize Evaluating Remote Work Opportunities guide to complete the Remote Work Suitability Assessment and obtain appropriate approval.
  3. Complete the Remote Work Agreement form with appropriate approval.
  4. Submit Remote Work Packet to hrimaging@ksu.edu to include:
    1. Remote Work Suitability Assessment
    2. Remote Work Agreement
    3. Department Equipment Inventory Form and Agreement