Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships

Various fellowships, scholarships, and grants are available to provide financial support to graduate students throughout their graduate education. Some funding opportunities are offered by the Graduate School and other units at K-State. Other funding opportunities are offered by external agencies and organizations.

Funding from the Graduate School

The Graduate School's RSCAD Grant provides financial support for research, scholarly, and creative work of K-State master's and doctoral students. Graduate students may receive this grant once during their graduate career at K-State. This grant is supported by the Graduate School’s Accelerator and Education Enhancement funds and by the Kansas NASA Space Grant.

Pursuing a graduate degree is demanding, raising children is expensive, but graduate students should not have to put their personal lives on hold while earning their degree. The Student Parent Success Scholarship serves to relieve some of the financial burden of child care expenses, facilitating degree progress of graduate students who are raising families. When our Graduate School alumni reflect on their student experience, we want them to remember this time of their life not only as time for building careers, but a time when they built happy lives.

The Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship provides an award of $19,000 to a graduate student enrolled in a PhD program at Kansas State University. The award is intended to recognize exceptional achievement in scholastics and research and helps launch the student into their professional career. Additionally, up to two Sarachek Scientific Travel Awards of $1,500 each may be presented annually.

Donoghue Scholarships enhance the maximum assistantship funding package a graduate program can offer to top candidates. Master's students are awarded a $3,000 scholarship and doctoral students are awarded a $5,000 scholarship for one academic year. The scholarship may be renewed for a second year. Admitted graduate students are nominated for this scholarship by their graduate program.

The Taiwan Study Abroad Scholarship allows graduate and undergraduate students pursuing a concurrent bachelor's/master's degree to experience Taiwanese culture while studying or traveling to Taiwan. Scholarships will support study abroad for at least one semester, a faculty-led study abroad trip with cultural experiences, or scholarly research presentation at an international professional meeting in Taiwan or an invited exhibition.

Other K-State funding opportunities

The K-State Scholarship Network (KSN) is an online application portal that connects students with university scholarship opportunities. All students are added to the portal at the time of admission. Students should complete/update their profile in the portal to provide more information that may expand their eligibility for scholarships.
International Student Scholarships

K-State's International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) offers several scholarships for K-State international students. There are also scholarships and other funding opportunties from organizations outside of K-State available to international students. Some opportunities are listed on the ISSS website. Other opportunities are listed in a shared document.

The K-State Office of First-generation Students (OFGS) awards $500-$750 scholarships to first-generation students in good academic standing. Applicants must be enrolled in at least six credit hours. Immigrant students without FAFSA eligibility may apply. Recipients make a commitment to pay it forward by mentoring, arranging events with OFGS, or other community service. Students may only receive this scholarship once.

Additional/External Funding Opportunities