English 251:  Introduction to Literature

Texts for the Course

The main text for the course is X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia, Literature:  An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, Seventh Edition (New York:  Longman, 2000).  It is available at Claflin Books and Copies, which is located in the shopping area across from the Marlatt Dorm Complex at the corner of Denison and Claflin Avenues. 

Unless otherwise noted, page references in the Course Schedule are to this text.  Take notes on your readings in the margins.  Try to work through the questions provided by the editors.  (You need not do the writing assignments, but you should always stop to reflect on the other questions you encounter in this text.) 

Other reading assignments (both literary and critical) will be available on our course web site.  In particular, you will be directed in the Course Schedule to articles in an on-line glossary of critical concepts that is under construction.

There may be an additional xerox copy or two that you will be required to buy, but if this turns out to be the case, you will hear about it via e-mail over our class listserv.

A page some of you may find useful to bookmark is Some Sources of Books and CDs on the Web.  It's not comprehensive, but offers some main starting points.  It also points you to places where you can search for used books.

  Return to the home page for the course.

  This page last revised Saturday, January 15, 2000