Other Resources


Office of Assessment

The Office of Assessment: 1) provides support to departments' assessment activities; 2) assists faculty in the coordination of University General Education (UGE) Assessment efforts; 3) assists in the coordination of the university Basic Skills Assessment efforts; 4) manages K-State Senior/Alumni Surveys.

Budget Office

The Kansas State University Budget Office provides university-wide services in support of campus budgetary activities. The Budget Office is committed to being a high-quality service provider that is responsive to meeting the continuously changing needs of the University and external agencies.

Center for Engagement and Community Development

The Center for Engagement and Community Development promotes engagement on and off campus, in teaching, research, and outreach, and uses K-State expertise to address issues of community development in Kansas.

Human Capital Services

Human Capital Services administers recruitment, salary and benefit administration, employee development and training, worker's compensation, risk management and employee relations.

Office of General Counsel

The Office of General Counsel serves as the attorneys for Kansas State University on all legal matters. .

Graduate School

The Graduate School promotes and facilitates the graduate education enterprise at Kansas State University. To that end, the Graduate School works with the faculty, via the Graduate Council, to provide sensible policies ensuring program quality. The Graduate School works with graduate degree programs on issues such as student recruitment and course/curriculum development, and with individual graduate students to help them maintain positive progress through their programs of study.

Honor and Integrity System

Beginning in the fall 1999 semester, Kansas State University initiated an Honor System based on personal integrity, which is presumed to be a sufficient assurance that, in academic matters, one's work is performed honestly and without unauthorized assistance.

Information Technology Services

The Vice Provost for Information Technology Services provides leadership in the development of an information technology (IT) environment to support the teaching, research, and extension missions of Kansas State University.

K-State Healthy Decisions Resource Guide (.pdf)

This Resource Guide is designed for you to use when working with students, so that you know what services are available on campus. It is important that all faculty, staff, and students know where students can go to get the support they need, whether they need information or they need further assistance.

Office of Planning and Analysis

The Office of Planning and Analysis provides a wide variety of supportive services for academic and administrative units and departments. These include: 1) providing staff support for strategic planning efforts initiated by the Provost; 2) conducting administrative evaluation programs; 3) conducting analytical studies of critical university issues; 4) completing internal and external data requests and requirements; and 5) supporting university task force and committee assignments.

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) promotes and facilitates the research, education, and outreach missions of Kansas State University by supporting and administering all activities involving extramurally sponsored programs.

Teaching and Learning Center

The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) promotes initiatives to enhance teaching and learning at K-State, including the Faculty Exchange for Teaching Excellence and the Peer Review of Teaching Program. TLC consults and collaborates with faculty, and administers TEVAL and IDEA student ratings systems. Principles of College Teaching, a 3-credit course, is offered to graduate students and faculty through the College of Education.


Departmental Policies on Criteria, Standards, and Procedures for Annual Merit Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure

Each academic department is required by University Handbook policy to develop department documents containing criteria, standards, and guidelines for promotion, tenure, reappointment, annual evaluation, chronic low achievement, merit salary allocation, and the professorial performance award. These documents must be approved by a majority vote of the faculty members in the department, by the department head or chair, by the dean concerned, and by the provost.

Dispute Resolution

The purpose of this web site is to provide faculty and staff at K-State an array of resources to assist in dispute resolution.

Conflict of Interest

In some cases the external activities of faculty and staff, such as consulting, outside employment, public service, pro bono work, or serving as an officer of an external entity, even without compensation, can result in real or apparent conflicts regarding commitment of time.