Turn Your Internship into a Full-Time Position

Written by Lina Melkonian, Director of Cooperative Education Program at San Jose State University.

One of the best benefits of an internship or cooperative education experience is that it can serve as your passport to future employment opportunities. Getting your foot in the door by landing the internship or co-op is only half of the challenge in turning your career dreams into a reality. The more vital half is to build a reputation during this career experience that will culminate in receiving a full-time job offer.

A growing number of employers are using internships as a way to gain a first in-depth look at prospective employees. In this respect, both you and your employer have a common goal--namely, to determine if there is a good fit between you.

Here are ten tips to becoming a savvy intern and making powerful career moves:

Make your internship or co-op experience work for you. It can be the first link in the chain of your career.