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Home | Registration | Organizers | Agenda | Location & Hotels | Workshop Retrospect | Resources | Contact | 2004 Workshop |


This workshop aims to provide future CAREER proposal submitters with proposal review experience and interactions with NSF program directors and recent CAREER awardees.


This workshop will be held on May 24, 2005, at Columbia University, New York, in conjunction with NAMRC 33 (The Thirty-Third Annual North American Manufacturing Research Conference). The workshop is free for NAMRC registrants and NAMRC registrants will receive higher priority for attending the workshop.

 About New York City
 The Thirty-Third Annual North American Manufacturing Research Conference






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National Science Foundation Division of Design, Manufacture & Industrial Innovation (DMII)

Host Institution:

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Kansas State University

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Workshop report presented at the CAREER session of the 2005 NSF Grantees Conference
March 30, 2005
Registration deadline
April 15, 2005
Selected participants receive notice
April 20, 2005
Participants receive proposals for mock review
May 20, 2005
Participants submit reviews
Last updated: January 09, 2005 Webmasters: Wangping Sun & Lian Li