Great Plains IDEA & AG*IDEA Students

The Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance (Great Plains IDEA) is a consortium of distinguished, accredited universities offering fully online graduate programs. Students choose a "home" institution where they apply, are admitted, register for courses, and receive their degree. Other institutions are called "teaching" institutions. Great Plains students may take courses at a number of "teaching" institutions, however the "home" institution provides the foundation of services for the student.

This foundation is also important for those students with disabilities. Students who request accommodations will do so through the "home" institution. If the student is enrolled in a course taught by a teaching institution, the disabilities support office at the home institution will contact the disabilities support office at the teaching institution. Information concerning accommodations will be shared. Each institution is then responsible for providing accommodations.

If you are a Great Plains or AG*IDEA student and Kansas State University is your "home" institution, you should contact Student Access Center to request accommodations. If you are taking a course and K-State is the "teaching" institution, you should contact the disability support services office at your "home" institution.