September 3, 2013
Mark a milestone with a paver at the K-State Alumni Center

In 1912, John W. Brown became the first black graduate to earn a doctor of veterinary medicine from Kansas State Agricultural College. A century later, during Kansas State University’s sesquicentennial year, the K-State College of Veterinary Medicine purchased a paver at the K-State Alumni Center to honor Brown’s accomplishment.
Ronnie Elmore, associate dean for academic programs in the College of Veterinary Medicine, said the university’s 150th anniversary inspired the college to recognize Brown with a paver, which was unveiled Aug. 6 — the same day as Elmore’s presentation on the college’s black graduates as part of the sesquicentennial brown bag lecture series.
“We felt that he was a true pioneer and deserved the recognition,” Elmore said. “We want to make sure others who follow in his footsteps are aware of his legacy. Part of being in the university community is not only celebrating what we’re doing today, but valuing our heritage and recognizing those who went before us. I hope that anyone who sees the pavers at the Alumni Center will pause and think about why those people are remembered there.”
As K-State wraps up its 150th celebration, the K-State Alumni Association invites you to make your group’s milestone a permanent part of campus by placing a paver in the new “University Celebrations and Milestones” section on the east side of the Alumni Center.
This prominent area is an ideal place to celebrate your college’s or department’s achievements or to recognize a member of your faculty.
Pavers are 12 inches by 12 inches and will accommodate three lines of text with 17 characters per line. Pavers also can accommodate greek letters and many symbols and logos. Each paver can be purchased for $600, and the purchase is fully tax deductible.
For more information about the Alumni Center pavers, contact Terin Walters 785-532-5052 or