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  4. »America's 'job search guru' hosting workshop Sept. 6

K-State Today

September 3, 2013

America's 'job search guru' hosting workshop Sept. 6

Submitted by Tara Pfaff

Donald Asher, an internationally recognized author and expert on careers in higher education, will host an interactive workshop from 3-6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 6, in Forum Hall at the K-State Student Union.

This informative professional development workshop, organized by the Graduate School and Graduate Student Council, is designed to facilitate graduate students’ success as they begin their graduate degrees and prepare for future opportunities.

Asher will discuss how to maximize success after graduate school, career options for those pursuing advanced degrees, tips for finding a job, networking strategies and much more.

The event is targeted for first and second year graduate students. Undergraduates considering graduate school and faculty and staff who mentor graduate students also are invited to attend.

Asher is known as "America's job search guru." He has written 12 books, including "Cracking the Hidden Job Market," and the best-selling guide to getting into graduate school, "Graduate Admissions Essays." His books are available in English, Chinese, Korean and Portuguese.

Named a "career mastermind" in 2011 by the award-winning Web portal QuintCareers, Asher has been the career columnist for USAirways magazine, education columnist for MSN and a contributing writer for the Wall Street Journal's CareerJournal.com.

Asher also has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Investor's Business Daily, The New York Times, USA Today, Boston Globe, The Globe and Mail, salary.com, U.S. News and World Report, Forbes, Fortune, Men's Health and many other publications.

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