April 26, 2021
Last day to RSVP for in-person commencement ceremonies
Submitted by Commencement Committee

If you plan to participate the in-person commencement ceremonies do not forget to complete the RSVP form. The last date to RSVP is today, Monday, April 26. Graduates can RSVP via the form sent to their K-State email from commencement@k-state.edu.
As a reminder for Manhattan graduates, the only way to receive six guest tickets for your ceremony is by claiming your tickets through the RSVP form. If you do not RSVP by the deadline you will still be provided the opportunity to participate but you will not receive any guest tickets to the ceremony.
All ceremonies will be livestreamed and recorded for anyone to view. Livestreams of each ceremony will be linked from the ceremony schedule found on the graduation website.
For more information regarding ticketing, guests, parking and more check out the online Ceremony Guide.
Continue to check your K-State email for more updates regarding the in-person ceremonies and continue to share your journey to the ceremony using #KStateGrad on any social platform.