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  4. »Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society chapter to host Mark Weiss for online...

K-State Today Student Edition

April 22, 2021

Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society chapter to host Mark Weiss for online session

Submitted by Bradie Frizzell

The K-State student chapter of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, a registered departmental student organization, will host a virtual meeting with guest speaker Mark Weiss at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 22. Weiss is a professor of stem cell biology and neuroscience at K-State in the anatomy and physiology department.

He is currently the director of the Midwest Institute for Comparative Stem Cell Biotechnology, coordinator of the stem cell certificate program, and is a member of the Terry C. Johnson Center for Basic Cancer Research. Weiss' research focuses on stem cell biotechnology and producing promising cellular therapeutics for regenerative medicine. Please see below the abstract for the talk and Zoom information:

The seminar will outline machine learning for biologists, and the aspects of machine learning that have particular physiological applications. It will touch upon data mining, pattern recognition and predictive modeling for large datasets. Both published and unpublished datasets will be used as examples.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 0869 0676
Passcode: 649132


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