November 20, 2020
Global Campus online noncredit program coordinator to retire

Jan Carlson will retire from Kansas State University on Dec. 11. Carlson has served at K-State for 15 years in multiple positions, most recently as the online noncredit program coordinator for Global Campus.
Before joining Global Campus in 2013, Carlson's experience in human resources, program administration and adult education and training programs developed from roles outside of K-State at a regional acute health care system, regional and national telecommunications companies and at a regional manufacturing plant. She earned and maintained the professional certifications of SHRM-CP from the Society of Human Resources Management and PHR certification from the Human Resources Certification Institute.
During her time at Global Campus, Carlson was involved with the implementation of three learning management systems utilized for noncredit program delivery, most recently facilitating the movement of all online noncredit programming to a stand-alone instance of Canvas. Under Carlson's coordination, Global Campus online noncredit programs have increased through partnerships with K-State departments and colleges as well as corporate entities. Growing from fewer than 50 offerings with 300 participants in 2013-14 to nearly 200 courses and more than 3,200 participants in 2019-20, online noncredit programs have proven to be a growth area for the university.
As the university works to develop an institutionwide infrastructure that is scalable and sustainable to support increasing interest in these types of offerings, Global Campus continues efforts to develop an array of learning opportunities for students, alumni, employers and employees to support a lifetime approach to education through just-in-time learning opportunities. With Carlson's retirement, departments or individuals with ideas for future online noncredit program development should email
We thank Carlson for her work in growing online noncredit opportunities and her contributions to the university. Please join us in wishing her well in her retirement by signing an online card or emailing her directly at