February 27, 2019
Register for SciComm 2019 Conference by March 1 for lowest fees

On March 22-24, K-State will co-host the SciComm 2019 Conference with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on K-State's campus. The cost of registration for SciComm 2019 is currently $150 for faculty, staff, teachers and communication professionals and $50 for students until March 1. Prices after March 1 are $200 and $75, respectively.
Register for the conference now for the lowest registration fee.
Additionally, payments and abstracts for conference talks must be received by March 4. All attendees are encouraged to present; the conference is dedicated to understanding and promoting effective communication of science to diverse audiences — including students of all levels as well as the general public — across all venues.
Learn more about the conference and the Kansas Science Communication Initiative at k-state.edu/scicomm/ and on the organization's Facebook and Twitter pages.