November 5, 2018
Creation of university budget planning team
Submitted by President Richard Myers

Dear K-State community,
We continue on our journey to modernize the university’s budget practices to incentivize growing programs, increase revenue, and maximize resources and efficiencies. At our August open forum, we launched a shadow (or learning) year for this new budget model design. There has been much discussion about the model and the next steps in our multi-year implementation. Thank you to all who have participated in this major initiative.
A key to success is transitioning to a new planning and oversight structure for the general use portion of our university budget. The general use budget refers to state and tuition funds.
After consulting with the Cabinet, Deans Council, and governance group leaders, we are pleased to announce the creation of a new university budget planning structure. This new structure will include a university budget planning team and a budget model review panel reporting to the core executive team. These groups will replace the budget modernization steering committee we formed to help develop the model.
View a high-level summary of the General Use (GU) Budget Planning & Oversight Structure.
The budget planning team, chaired by Provost Chuck Taber, is comprised of members from revenue centers and service centers. University governance groups play an important role as members of the budget model review panel. We fully expect the objectives of the various groups will evolve as we move through the shadow year into actual implementation of the model.
A call for nominations for members of the budget planning team was issued last week to the deans and vice presidents. They will nominate individuals who have fiduciary responsibility in their respective areas and are direct reports. The core team will select members of the budget planning team from this pool of nominees. We plan to announce membership after the fall break.
New frequently asked questions are now available on the budget project website. These FAQ include questions received since August about the new budget model. Please continue to submit your questions, comments and suggestions to
I want to recognize those who participated on the Steering Committee and Cost Pool Design Teams over the past year. It was their hard work — and thoughtful input from many of you — that helped us design and launch our new budget model.
Now is the time for all of us to dig in and learn what the new budget model means to our future. Talk with your dean, vice president, unit head and colleagues about how the model can work for your unit and how to maximize its potential. Please visit the project website to keep up with the latest news. As we work through the shadow year, we will begin transitioning from understanding our new model to thinking about the opportunities it will provide for growth, excellence, and sustainability as we pursue our land-grant mission of teaching, research and service.
Richard B. Myers
Kansas State University