October 17, 2018
Communication sciences and disorders student team wins conference quiz bowl
Submitted by College of Human Ecology

Four graduate students in the communication sciences and disorders program recently won the inaugural Prairie Cup Praxis Bowl during the Kansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association's conference in October.
The bowl is comprised of teams of graduate students from all four Kansas universities with a communication sciences and disorders graduate program: Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, the University of Kansas and Wichita State University. The competition includes seven rounds where teams must answer questions relating to professional topics from the Praxis exam — the national exam for speech-language pathologists.
The K-State team included Ashley Edelman, Ellen Bodine Franken, Megan Griffith, Jessica Sutton and alternate Hannah Carlgren. They won each of the seven rounds and were named the overall bowl winners.
"This event was a great opportunity for our graduate students to celebrate all their learning and hard work," said Carrie Leonhart Fratecelli, clinical assistant professor. "It was so exciting to watch current students, faculty and alumni cheer on the teams from across the state — and for K-State to bring home the trophy. We're so proud of how knowledgeable and prepared our students are for their future careers."
The communication sciences and disorders program is housed in the School of Family Studies and Human Services in the College of Human Ecology. Communication sciences and disorders is the academic program for the profession of speech-language pathology. It is for students interested in human communication — speech and language, reading, writing and hearing — and swallowing for individuals across the lifespan. The program offers both undergraduate and graduate education for the profession of speech-language pathology.
K-State's master's education program in speech-language pathology is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.