October 25, 2016
Wildcats for International Development club meeting today
Submitted by Kathryn Schieferecke
Wildcats for International Development is a student organization seeking to help students interested in working in international development after graduation. All majors are welcome. Join us at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 25 in 123 Leadership Studies Building for a conversation with Rachel Reichenberger from International Programs in the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Reichenberger will discuss:
- Work related to veterinary medicine, animal and human disease research and prevention and capacity building and how it is important on an international scale.
- How people of many different disciplines need to work together to be able to feed the world's growing population, and how other disciplines can partner with veterinarians or disease and biological security experts to promote international development.
- How many majors and career paths can become involved in international work through career paths they may not have considered.
Come ready for an informative and interesting conversation.