June 24, 2013
Highlights from the June 11 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate minutes for the May 14 meeting have been posted to our website.
Highlights from June 11:
• Provost Mason and Cindy Bontrager were present to report on recent state budget cuts. They discussed how Kansas State is working to address these changes to the budget. Much information was shared with senator that will also be shared with the campus community and various questions and concerns were addressed.
Consent agenda:
• President elect Rintoul presented the consent agenda. It was approved as submitted.
Standing committee and Student Senate reports:
• Academic Affairs: Senator Andy Bennett reported there was one discussion agenda item; however, due to a clarification needed that item will be postponed until the September or October agenda. This will not delay the program's effective date.
• Faculty Affairs: President Keen conveyed that no report was available for today's meeting.
• FSCOT: Senator Don Crawford reminded senators that K-State will move to using the Microsoft 365 email system. The change will occur in July. He also updated senators on the bookstore change in the Union and how this will affect textbook reporting, etc. Also of note: there will be a new feature in iSIS that will assist with identifying whether a student is active or withdrew.
• FSCOUP: Senator Barbara Anderson reported FSCOUP will begin meeting again in fall. She did make a request for a volunteer to serve on the search committee for the vice president of planning and facilities management.
• Student Senate: Senator Eli Schooley reported that Student Senate is finished meeting for the year. However, they are working to make appointments to various committees for the upcoming year.
• President Keen noted one change in Faculty Senate membership. Debra Bolton will be finished the term of Debra Sellers, who will be relocating.
Old business:
• President Keen reported on the General Faculty Meeting held on Thursday, May 16. Many were in attendance and a resolution regarding faculty and unclassified compensation was passed. That resolution was then presented to President Schulz on May 21.
• President Keen directed senators’ attention to the attachment regarding Faculty Senate Constitution revisions. A minor change was made since the first reading and was included with today’s attachment. Senators voted in favor of all revisions. This will now move forward for a vote at a general faculty meeting, which will be scheduled for either the end of August or beginning of September.
New business:
• President Keen informed senators of changes to Appendix S in the University Handbook regarding the Conflict of Interest policy. The Board of Regents has mandated a change regarding their policies related to this topic and it was necessary to make changes in the Kansas State University Handbook in order to reflect accurate information. This was an informational item.
For the good of the university:
• President-elect Rintoul wished to express appreciation for Charles Moore and Donna Potts for their dedicated service to Kansas State University and to Faculty Senate. They will be relocating in the near future.
Julia Keen, P.E., HBDP, PhD
Faculty Senate President
Associate Professor
Architectural Engineering and Construction Science
Kansas State University
248 Seaton Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506