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  4. »Manhattan Dual Career Support Network launched

K-State Today

July 6, 2023

Manhattan Dual Career Support Network launched

Submitted by Shannon Leftwich

The Manhattan Chamber of Commerce has launched a dual career support network in partnership with Kansas State University. 

The chamber adopted the Dual Career model designed by Cheryl Grice, community engagement director and chair of the Workforce Development Committee, supported by research of dual career initiatives around the country to help form the program for the Manhattan area. 

The Dual Career Support Program will help make career opportunities and resources accessible to transitioning spouses, partners or family members of newly hired employees in the community. The program utilizes a three-pronged approach, including providing a clear pathway for job seekers to identify career opportunities, collecting information from job seekers through the Made for Manhattan portal, and working with existing Chamber programming to learn more about the community and make valuable and meaningful connections. The program doesn't guarantee employment but does provide resources and connections to opportunities. Employers who opt into the free program agree to provide a priority review of the forms submitted on the online portal.

Kansas State University is pleased to partner with the Chamber in launching this program. Shannon Leftwich, talent acquisition manager, is monitoring submissions to the program on a weekly basis so K-State can provide a priority review to candidates. We hope this new program will help engage new community members and find talented individuals for vacant positions at K-State. 

If you have a new staff or faculty member who may be interested in these resources, please direct them to the website

The Talent Acquisition Team is available to help with resources for new staff and faculty, including relocation guides, links to resources and assistance with navigating our careers page.