November 16, 2022
American College of Zoological Medicine presents Fowler Award to James Carpenter

The College of Veterinary Medicine's James W. Carpenter was recently honored by the American College of Zoological Medicine as the recipient of the Murray E. Fowler Lifetime Achievement Award.
Presented at the annual organization's business meeting on Nov. 7, this award recognizes one of the organization's diplomates who has demonstrated exceptional commitment and contribution to the American College of Zoological Medicine while making significant lifetime contributions that have advanced the discipline of zoological medicine.
Carpenter was recognized for his 48 years of contributions as a clinical and research veterinarian in the field of exotic animal, wildlife, including endangered species, and zoo animal medicine. Carpenter was noted for his assistance in developing an internationally recognized program in zoological medicine at K-State, where he has trained 45 interns and residents. He is the author of numerous scientific papers, book chapters and proceedings articles; co-editor of "Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery"; and editor of the "Exotic Animal Formulary."
Carpenter is the past president of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, Association of Avian Veterinarians and American College of Zoological Medicine.
Other noted accomplishments included Carpenter being awarded the Edwin J. Frick Professorship in Veterinary Medicine from K-State in 2002, the Exotic DVM of the Year for 2000, the T.J. Lafeber Avian Practitioner of the Year for 2012, and the Oxbow Exotic Mammal Health (Quest) recipient in 2019.
Additionally, Carpenter was named the Alumni of the Year by the Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2009. In 2013, the Veterinary Health Center at K-State named the new veterinary facility at Manhattan's Sunset Zoo the James W. Carpenter Clinic at Sunset Zoo. Carpenter is also the former editor-in-chief of both the Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine and the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery.
This award was created in honor of Murray Fowler, considered the father of Zoological Medicine, who was also the award's first designee in 2014.