April 5, 2013
Students awarded for research presentations, posters at annual university forum
Submitted by Communications and Marketing

Thirty-three undergraduate and graduate students have earned honors for their research posters and presentations at the 18th annual K-State Research Forum.
The forum took place on Wednesday, March 27, and included oral presentations and poster presentations from more than 89 graduate students and 18 undergraduate students from across disciplines. Research topics included engineering, math, physical sciences, agricultural sciences, biological sciences, social sciences, humanities and education, among other topics.
"We are proud of all students who participated in the forum and we appreciate them sharing their research, scholarly and creative activities with the K-State community," said Carol Shanklin, dean of the Graduate School. "The students who were recognized demonstrated the excellence in research and scholarly achievements."
The forum is sponsored by the Graduate School, the Graduate Student Council, and the offices of the president and provost.
This year, Dow AgroSciences sponsored scholarships for winners in the agricultural sciences oral and poster sessions. Jeffrey Rosichan, the company's senior new technology leader, presented the scholarship awards to recognize student's research achievements. After the awards ceremony, Rosichan led a networking session with students interested in careers in the agricultural sciences industry.
The university chapter of Sigma Xi, the scientific research association, sponsored a first-place award for the interdisciplinary oral session. Carolyn Ferguson, associate professor of biology and president of the university chapter, presented the scholarship award and invitation to the annual Sigma Xi award banquet on Monday, April 8.
Here is a list of winners and categories at the K-State Research Forum.
Biological sciences poster winners:
1st place: Prashant Wani, doctoral student in biochemistry
2nd place: Dinesh Erram, doctoral student in entomology
3rd place: Naomi Ohta, master's student in biomedical sciences
Engineering, mathematics and physical sciences poster winners:
1st place: Sean Tomlinson, doctoral student in chemical engineering
2nd place: Kaley Oldani, master's student in civil engineering
Social sciences, humanities and education poster winners:
1st place: Pabodha Galgamuwa, master's student in horticulture
2nd place: Patricia Barros-Gomes, doctoral student in marriage and family therapy
3rd place: Sarah Flynn, master's student in landscape architecture
Agricultural sciences poster winners:
1st place: Kim Larson, master's student in agronomy
2nd place: Josh Putman, master's student in agronomy
3rd place: Elyse Buckley, master's student in grain science and industry
Interdisciplinary oral presentation winners:
1st place: Vahid Rahmani, doctoral student in biological and agriculture engineering
2nd place: Kevin Rooney, doctoral student in environmental design and planning
3rd place: Sankar Sasidharan, masters student in geology
Agricultural sciences oral presentation winners:
1st place: Kindsey Myers, master's student in agronomy
2nd place: Ximena Cibils Stewart, master's student in entomology
3rd place: Brent Christenson, master's student in agronomy
Biological sciences session one oral presentation winners:
1st place: Emily Archer Slone, doctoral student in microbiology
2nd place: Kai Yuan, doctoral student in animal sciences and industry
Biological sciences session two oral presentation winners:
1st place: Damien Downes, doctoral student in plant pathology
2nd place: Sherry Haller, doctoral student in microbiology
Engineering, mathematics and physical sciences session one oral presentation winners:
1st place: Xiaojiao Sun, doctoral student in chemical engineering
2nd place: Chelsea Corkins, masters student in biological and agricultural engineering
3rd place: Rui Zhuang, doctoral student in computing and information sciences
Engineering, mathematics and physical sciences session two oral presentation winner:
1st place: Daniel Ramirez-Caro, master's student in geology
Social sciences, humanities and education oral presentation winners:
1st place: Taylor Wadian, doctoral student in psychology
2nd place: Erin Monfort-Nelson, master's student in apparel, textiles and interior design
Undergraduate oral presentation winners:
1st place: Emily Mashie, senior in animal sciences and industry
2nd place: Terrahn Wall, senior in biology and pre-pharmacy
3rd place: Kelsie Doty, senior in apparel, textiles and interior design
Undergraduate poster presentation winners:
1st place: Sofia Sabates, junior in biology
2nd place: Sophia Ford, senior in geology
3rd place: Brandon Pfannenstiel, junior in microbiology