January 21, 2022
Shaffer panelist on Jan. 25 Political Discourse International Webinar

Timothy Shaffer, director of the Institute for Civil Discourse and Democracy and associate professor of communication studies, joins Dubravka Šuica, European Commission vice president for democracy and demography; Su Moore, chief executive, Jo Cox Foundation; and Tony Connelly, RTE Europe correspondent, for the webinar "Strengthening Democracy and Reconciliation Through Ethical and Respectful Political Discourse" at 6 a.m. CST Tuesday, Jan. 25.
The panel will explore similarities and differences in the European Union, United States and United Kingdom about the state of democracy and the role of political discourse.
The webinar is sponsored by the Glencree Centre for Peace & Reconciliation and the John and Pat Hume Foundation. Presenters will focus on topics such as the role of ethical and respectful political discourse in the future of democracy; what policy initiatives and networks support more ethical and respectful political discourse; and what roles political parties, civil society and media have in strengthening democracy.