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  4. »K-State partners with USCYBERCOM's Academic Engagement Network

K-State Today

January 6, 2022

K-State partners with USCYBERCOM's Academic Engagement Network

Submitted by Grant Guggisberg

The computer science department in Kansas State University's Carl R. Ice College of Engineering has partnered with the United States Cyber Command, or USCYBERCOM, through its Academic Engagement Network, joining 83 other academic institutions nationwide.

K-State was selected to join a network that includes 70 universities, 14 community colleges, four service academies and four federal graduate-level colleges. As part of the partnership, K-State will receive communications from USCYBERCOM and gain access to guest lecturers from the organization on cyberspace strategy, policy, law, innovation and workforce issues, among other benefits.

USCYBERCOM is building out its academic network to engage the future workforce and expand cyber-applied research, innovation and partnerships.

"We're excited to be part of this first-of-a-kind opportunity to work with USCYBERCOM," said Eugene Vasserman, Michelle Munson-Serban Simu keystone research scholar and director of the Center for Information and Systems Assurance at K-State. "This partnership will let us engage in a dialogue to explore cutting-edge research problems and how to better prepare our students to become part of the ever-evolving cybersecurity workforce."

USCYBERCOM has three main focus areas: defending the Department of Defense's information networks, providing support to combatant commanders for execution of their missions around the world, and strengthening the nation's ability to withstand and respond to cyberattacks.

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