August 26, 2020
Accounting professor Brooke Beyer named Deloitte director of accounting analytics and innovation
Submitted by Brent Fritzemeier

The accounting department at Kansas State University continues to lead the way in innovation and creativity. In an effort to foster the integration of accounting-focused data analytics throughout the K-State accounting curriculum, associate professor of accounting Brooke Beyer has been named the Deloitte director of accounting analytics and innovation.
In the role, Beyer will be responsible for assisting faculty members in developing the necessary skills to infuse accounting analytics throughout their curriculum with regular hands-on seminars. He will work to identify companies and firms that excel in the areas in data analytics and innovation, and assist in inviting them on campus to provide presentations for faculty and students.
"We are excited about this new position and we appreciate Deloitte's commitment to our success," said Brett Wilkinson, head of the accounting department. "It is vital that our program continues to grow and seek excellence in accounting analytics and innovation, and Dr. Beyer is the perfect person to lead our efforts. He has proven himself as an innovator and as someone who is completely dedicated to seeing our students embrace new opportunities and reach their potential."
In addition to infusing the accounting curriculum with more data analytics, Beyer will also head up the leadership of the department’s annual Accounting and Technology Conference. The conference supports the university's cyber land-grant mission by providing professional education and development for accounting alumni and professionals.