July 12, 2019
Civil engineering senior wins national ASCE scholarship

Angie Mitchell, senior in civil engineering from Keosauqua, Iowa, has been awarded the 2019 Eugene C. Figg Jr. Civil Engineering Scholarship from the American Society of Civil Engineers, or ASCE.
Created by the employees of the Figg Engineering Group, Tallahassee, Florida, the scholarship fund was established in 2002 as a memorial to Eugene C. Figg Jr., a fellow and design awardee of ASCE. Figg had dedicated his career, his company and his life to "creating bridges as art."
The scholarship is presented annually to one undergraduate civil engineering student for junior or senior year tuition expenses and fees. Its purpose is to further the education of a worthy student interested in bridge design and construction. Mitchell will receive $3,000.
Scott Schiff, teaching professor in the civil engineering department and ASCE student chapter adviser, served as Mitchell's mentor in her application and pursuit of the award.
Mitchell is the department's first national ASCE scholarship awardee since 2011.