March 7, 2019
Register and submit talks for SciComm 2019 by Friday, March 8

Communicating science and research effectively is more important than ever. SciComm 2019 is dedicated to understanding and promoting effective communication of science to diverse audiences — including students of all levels as well as the general public — across all venues. The conference is March 22-24 in Manhattan.
Early registration prices are good through Friday, March 8. The cost is $50 for students and $150 for faculty and professionals. Registration includes your choice of one of four Friday afternoon pre-conference workshops, three meals — Saturday and Sunday breakfast, Saturday lunch — Friday evening lightning talk and film festival contests, conference sessions Friday and Saturday, special events at Sunset Zoo, and more.
Abstracts for contributed talks are also due March 8. Contributed talks can be formal scholarly contributions or more casual explorations of experiences or sample science communication projects or events. The audience will be friendly, and students are encouraged to contribute.
Read a news release about the conference, explore conference events, or register now. Please note that registration is a two-step process: payment is through K-State Global Campus, and abstract submission/event registration is in a separate form.
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