November 20, 2018
Time to give thanks and show support to local shelters and community agencies
Submitted by K-State United Way Campaign Committee

Each year hundreds of families in the local community are assisted by the generosity of others who give to Konza United Way. The K-State United Way campaign is off to a tremendous start with contributions exceeding $42,000.
The following stories describe how local agencies provide services through collaboration or referrals to address an individual's specific needs.
• Beds were provided for four children of a woman who works as a housekeeper at a motel and could not afford them. A family lost their home and belongings to a fire. They have moved to an apartment but did not have any beds to sleep on. Two beds were purchased. A single mother makes only $8 an hour and needed beds for two of her children and for herself. Her budget was too tight to afford anything besides rent and other necessities. Beds were purchased. A young woman fleeing a domestic abuse situation had to leave her belongings behind when she came to live here with family. Funds made it possible for her to purchase a full twin set mattress and bed frame.
• Because of her low income, an older woman who does not drive was unable to afford ATA bus tickets. Funds were used to purchase ATA bus tickets so that she could get to and from her doctor appointments.
• A low-income elderly woman fell and broke her glasses. She lives alone and has serious health problems. Her only income is social security. Funds were provided to get her glasses repaired.
• A woman and her husband both work full time but live out of town and do not have a car. A bicycle and helmet were purchased so that the woman could get to work on time. The ATA bus schedule did not always fit her work hours.
• A 52-year-old single woman is raising three of her grandchildren, ages 6, 7 and 9. She owns her mobile home but doesn't have much left after paying lot rent, utilities, car insurance and other necessities. Her car needed two new tires and radiator work. Funds were available to cover repair cost to have a car that will help safely transport the young children.
• A single mother who is a partially disabled veteran landed in the emergency shelter and needed her car repaired so that she could look for employment.
• Health issues caused a woman to have her hours cut at her job. She lost her apartment and was living at the Emergency Shelter. Her health has improved and she can now work full time but needed to have repairs to her car so that she could get to work.
Continue to make your donations either one time or through payroll deduction at K-State HRIS.
Visit the Konza United Way website for information about specific area agencies.