September 10, 2012
Konza Prairie Visitors Day Sept. 29

Every two years the Konza Prairie Biological Station opens its gates to the general public. We invite you from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 29, to see what Konza Prairie does for scientific research and environmental education.
Konza Prairie is known worldwide as the preeminent center for grassland research. This 8,600-acre native tallgrass prairie is dedicated to a threefold mission of long-term ecological research, environmental education and prairie conservation.
Activities available include:
- Bison Loop tours: Come see the Konza Prairie bison herd and hear about Konza research while riding along the 10-mile loop.
- Visit with Konza scientists: Learn about the kinds of research occurring on Konza Prairie. Get a chance to chat with researchers directly and ask questions.
- Hayrides: Relax on a hay bale and get pulled by one of the Konza tractors while viewing some of the research sites and beautiful vistas of Konza Prairie.
- Kids' activities: Catch grasshoppers -- and get them identified by Konza scientists, -- learn exciting facts about bison and become a junior ecologist.
- Nature trail hikes with trained volunteers: Take a walk along one of our nature trails with a seasoned naturalist and get all of your nature questions answered.
- Learn about Friends of Konza Prairie: An organization that helps support the environmental education program at Konza Prairie.
"There's something for everyone," said Jill Haukos, environmental educator at Konza Prairie. "All activities are free and there's lots to see and do for the whole family," she said.
The Konza Prairie Biological Station is owned by The Nature Conservancy and Kansas State University, and is operated as a field research station by the university's Division of Biology.
The station is located six miles south of Manhattan along McDowell Creek Road. To get to the station headquarters, drive on Konza Lane past the nature trail kiosk. The headquarters is located around the corner to the right. For more information, contact Haukos at 785-587-0381 or email