September 14, 2018
Week three Movement Challenge results
Submitted by Human Capital Services
Week three of the Movement Challenge results are in and are posted below. The last week of the Movement Challenge will take place from Sept. 16-22. Keep up the focus on your physical well-being during the final week of the challenge.
The week three leaders are:
Department activity:
- Aerospace studies
- K-State Polytechnic — School of Integrated Studies
- Veterinary Medicine — multiple deans' offices
Department participation:
- K-State Olathe
- Recreational Services
- Lafene Health Center
Individual activity:
- Mary McHugh
- Tammy Recey
- Christopher Culbertson
Each week includes an additional challenge for participants. Week three's challenge was to do something active with someone on campus or share a way to be active on campus. Two winners were selected at random for a wellness prize. Crystal Strauss won a Fitbit for participating in the challenge and Jayna Ukrazhenko won a wellness prize for her participation on social media.
Congratulations to the week three leaders! See more information about the Movement Challenge on the Live Your Best website.
Participants who complete all five weeks will be awarded four HealthQuest credits and corresponding HSA/HRA contributions at the end of the challenge. Random drawings for wellness-related prizes also will take place for participants and those who engage through social media using the hashtag #PurpleIsProgress. Follow Human Capital Services on Twitter @KStateHCS.
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