May 11, 2018
Dandaneau resigns from K-State post
Submitted by Communications and Marketing

Kansas State University's vice provost for undergraduate studies is resigning his position effective June 22 to become executive director for the Reinvention Collaborative and associate provost at Colorado State University.
Since joining K-State in 2012 in the newly created position of vice provost for undergraduate studies, Steven Dandaneau has overseen the university's general undergraduate education, academic advising, retention and student success programs.
"As K-State's first vice provost for undergraduate studies, Steven Dandaneau has been essential in advancing the university's 2025 goals for undergraduate education, including increasing our freshman-to-sophomore retention rate to a record level, improving academic advising and developing more services to ensure the success of our first-generation students," said April Mason, K-State provost and senior vice president. "Steven Dandaneau has truly made a difference in making the K-State undergraduate experience among the best in the nation."
In his post, Dandaneau supports K-State First, the university's first-year experience program, the University Honors Program, the Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry, Office of National Competitive Scholarships, Office of Pre-Law Advising and the Honor and Integrity Systems. He works with K-State's First Scholars Program, which serves first-generation students. He also currently serves as interim director of the University Honors Program.
Dandaneau chairs the Undergraduate Programs Council; co-chairs the University Advising Committee; and represents the Office of the Provost on the Academic Policies and Procedures Committee and the task force for KSIS, the student information system. He serves as the university’s principal liaison to the Education Advisory Board's Student Success Collaborative and to The Suder Foundation, home of the national First Scholars Program. Dandaneau also serves on the Council of Deans and K-State President Richard Myers' extended cabinet. He is a member of the national Reinvention Collaborative and the regional Konza United Way boards.
Before coming to K-State, Dandaneau served as associate provost and director of the Chancellor's Honors and the Haslam Scholars programs at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville from 2006-2012; visiting professor of sociology at the University of Maryland, College Park in 2006; and director of the University Honors and John W. Berry Sr. Scholars programs at the University of Dayton from 2000-2005. He also previously taught sociology at the University of Dayton, University of Michigan-Flint, C.S. Mott Community College in Flint, Michigan, and Framingham State University in Framingham, Massachusetts.
In his new post, Dandaneau will be the principal administrative officer of the Reinvention Collaborative, a national organization devoted to student success, and develop innovative programming for the land-grant university. As associate provost, he will focus on the supervision and evolution of credit-bearing, cross-college undergraduate programs housed in the provost's office.
As K-State is in the process of a provost hire, movement forward on appointment of an interim and a search for the position are temporarily on hold.