February 22, 2018
Peter Dorhout to be featured speaker on 'What Matters to Me and Why'

Peter K. Dorhout, vice president for research and professor of chemistry, will be the featured speaker for the next What Matters to Me and Why lecture.
Dorhout will share stories of his personal journey in a talk titled,"Cheerful Service — A Leadership Philosophy Formed on the Trail" from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, March 1, in Town Hall at the Leadership Studies Building.
A free box lunch will be provided starting at 11:45 a.m., and an RSVP is requested by Feb. 27. Visit k-state.edu/leadership/events/journeys.html to read the full event description and sign up.
This informal lunchtime series supports K-State's Principles of Community by encouraging reflection on matters of personal values, beliefs and motivations to better understand the lives and inspirations of those who serve and shape the university. The event is co-sponsored by the Staley School of Leadership Studies, the College of Education and the President's Committee on Religion.