April 28, 2017
On the global road with the K-State international recruiting staff

The Kansas State University international recruiting staff hold a very unique position at the university, according to Kristin Oberheide, international admissions and recruiting in the Office of International Programs.
"Our recruiters travel worldwide for weeks at a time, sharing information about the benefits of K-State to thousands of potential international students and family members as they consider studying at a U.S. university," Oberheide said.
Recruiter Logan Gauby recently returned from a whirlwind trip to Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea, the Philippines, and Thailand and was impressed with the name recognition that K-State had among high school counselors and students. Gauby traveled with a professionally organized recruiting tour joining other U.S. university recruiting staff. Each day the recruiters would meet with students and school counselors and share the essence of their school capabilities, highlights and experiences.
"Getting the opportunity to travel to so many places and share my alma mater with literally thousands of students is rewarding in itself but getting the chance to share a meal with the parents of current K-State students – like I did in Vietnam – and speak to them about how much they appreciate everything that K-State stands for and the opportunities K-State is affording their student is priceless," Gauby said.
Earlier this year, recruiter Anna McCullough met with hundreds of Indian students and parents eager to learn more about K-State. McCullough just returned from a five-week recruiting trip to United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Jordan, Israel, Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia. Traveling to the Mid-East also gave McCullough the opportunity to practice her Arabic as well as experience one of her favorite ethnic cuisines.
"I am sometimes overwhelmed that I play such an important role in the ability to educate potential students and families about higher education as well as assisting students to find the college that is the right fit for them," McCullough said. "I share what is special about Kansas State. I love making those personal connections and demystifying the overall process with them. While international travel is exciting and an opportunity to make these kinds of connections, there are times when it is not so glamorous; cancelled flights, long delays, and bad food can all take their toll!"
Both Gauby and McCullough concurred that international students have a lot of choices in selecting an international university setting. The most rewarding part of their job is when they run into students on campus that remember them from their recruiting visits and the students let them know that they are excited to call K-State their home!