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  4. »Fifth annual Summer Advising Institute registration open

K-State Today

April 18, 2017

Fifth annual Summer Advising Institute registration open

Submitted by Steven Dandaneau

Registration is open for the fifth annual K-State/NACADA Summer Undergraduate Academic Advising Institute, to be held Thursday, May 18, and Friday, May 19, at the Leadership Studies Building.

This year's institute will feature a keynote address by J.P. Regalado, past president of NACADA and executive director of academic advising at Texas A&M, Corpus Christi. Additional sessions will focus on such topics as: K-State diversity efforts, advising and critical thinking, the student perspective on advising, a deans' roundtable, the scholarship of advising, the Student Success Collaborative, advising military-connected students, advising transfer students, creating consistency through advising syllabus implementation, academic coaching, and supporting the professional development of the advising community. The institute also will include a browse session featuring research posters and unit table displays. 

To arrange a table/poster or with questions of any kind, please contact University Advising Committee co-chairs Steven Dandaneau at dandnaeau@k-state.edu or Stephanie Bannister at sbann@k-state.edu. All members of the K-State community are eligible to participate. Those who register by the deadline of May 11 will benefit from a buffet breakfast and lunch on May 18 and breakfast on May 19. The institute will conclude at 12:15 p.m. on May 19. Note: Registration will not be confirmed.

This substantial professional development opportunity is made possible by the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President, Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, and NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, as well as by the generous participation of members of the K-State Advising Community. We thank them all.

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