April 10, 2017
College of Education peer mentoring program pairs 170 students

Since fall 2016, approximately 170 students in the College of Education have teamed up as part of a mentoring effort among five organizations collaborating to provide unprecedented support for future teachers.
Educators Rising is a national network but the College of Education modified its structure to include a peer-mentorship model designed. The goal is to better prepare students for success during their time at K-State, and ultimately for success in their future classrooms. The students were paired with fellow student leaders in Education Ambassadors; Education Council; Kansas National Education Association–Student Program; Kappa Delta Pi International Honorary; and Phi Delta Kappa International.
Rylan Laudan, senior in elementary education and K-State Educators Rising president said connecting with people is key to student success.
"I believe this is a perfect fit for a college that is already making so many strides to help its students make an impact," Laudan said. "I've always been passionate about relationship-building and mentoring others, so not only does Ed Rising play to what I am extremely enthusiastic about, it also provides tremendous benefits for both mentors and mentees in the College of Education."
Mac Benavides '13, the college's recruitment coordinator, saud Educators Rising developed or enriched programs that bookend the student experience at K-State.
"With Educators Rising, we have a mentorship program that pairs a student with a peer on campus and connects them with national organizations that will serve as a support system throughout their tenure on campus," he said. "After graduation, the EdCats program will provide early-career teachers with professional guidance and support as they navigate through their first few years in the classroom. We think these initiatives will be especially attractive to students looking to be a valued member of a university throughout their academic career and beyond."