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  4. »K-State undergraduate student awarded education grant from Corvias Foundation

K-State Today

October 20, 2016

K-State undergraduate student awarded education grant from Corvias Foundation

Submitted by Communications and Marketing

Kelly Damor, sophomore in biology, is the recipient an education grant from Corvias Foundation, a private, charitable foundation committed to supporting military families in the pursuit of higher education.

This year, Corvias Foundation awarded 20 educational grants totaling $100,000 to the spouses of active-duty service members.

Damor is pursuing a bachelor's degree in nursing and following her dream to open an orphanage, school and free medical clinic in India. Her husband is Sgt. Nerendra K. Damor of the U.S. Army.

The foundation's education grants, combined with scholarships presented through a partnership with the National Military family Association, will provide 47 military spouses with financial aid and a support network in their pursuit of professional goals.

Corvias Foundation has been working for a decade to alleviate military spouse unemployment and create opportunity. Since its inception, the foundation has awarded $1,102,500 in educational grants to 223 military spouses, including this year.

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