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  4. »Division of Biology Seminar Oct. 21

K-State Today

October 20, 2016

Division of Biology Seminar Oct. 21

Submitted by Division of Biology

Forest Isbell

Forest Isbell, University of Minnesota, will present "Anthropogenic causes and ecosystem consequences of changes in grassland plant diversity" as part of the Division of Biology Seminar Series at 4 p.m. Oct. 21 in 221 Ackert Hall.

The abstract for this lecture is based off of Isbell's lab studies and how biodiversity and ecosystem functioning respond to global environmental changes, such as land use changes, nutrient enrichment, exotic species introductions and climate extremes.

Isbell also studies the responses of ecosystem functioning, ecosystem stability and ecosystem services to changes in biodiversity.

This talk will highlight Isbell's recent work linking the anthropogenic causes and ecosystem consequences of changes in grassland plant diversity.

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