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  4. »First responder training at Biosecurity Research Institute

K-State Today

November 30, 2015

First responder training at Biosecurity Research Institute

Submitted by Lance Luftman

Staff at the Biosecurity Research Institute, or BRI, in Pat Roberts Hall will conduct a series of drills with the Manhattan Fire Department, Riley County Emergency Medical Services and Via Christie Hospital Dec. 1-3. This is a test of the medical emergency action plan and not a real emergency. Several emergency vehicles will be at Pat Roberts Hall during the drills.

The drills are designed to ensure the BRI staff and local first responders are trained for emergency situations. In addition, the drills will provide an opportunity to verify that current emergency plans are sufficient and identify any possible improvements.

In this issue

From the president
From the administration
From the vice president for research
News and research
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations