April 16, 2014
Union Program Council and Active Minds at Kansas State to host suicide awareness event

Each year 1,100 students die by suicide. Why aren't we talking about it? "Send Silence Packing" with Union Program Council and Active Minds at Kansas State from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, April 17, in the quad.
"Send Silence Packing" is a nationally recognized traveling exhibition of 1,100 donated backpacks representing the number of college students lost to suicide each year. The program is designed to raise awareness about the incidence and impact of suicide, connect students to needed mental health resources and inspire action for suicide prevention. At each exhibit of "Send Silence Packing" 1,100 backpacks are displayed, giving a visual representation of the scope of the problem and the number of victims.
Active Minds at Kansas State is a mental health awareness, education and advocacy student organization dedicated to eliminating the stigma associated with mental illness. For more information about becoming a member of Active Minds at Kansas State, please email activeminds@k-state.edu.
In the case of rain, "Send Silence Packing" will be moved to the K-State Student Union courtyard. For more information and a complete list of all Union Program Council activities, visit k-state.edu/upc or call the Union Program Council office at 785-532-6571.