Alcohol and Sex

Sexual consent is based on clear, conscious verbal and nonverbal communication in which both parties assume sexual activity will not take place until all parties have obtained sober, non-coercive, mutual, enthusiastic agreement. Alcohol impacts the ability of both parties to provide this form of communication. Alcohol works on the brain to lower your inhibitions which make you feel more confident and less anxious. But those lower inhibitions can also make you accidentally say or do somethings that you may regret.

When engaging in sexual activity, consent is about communication. Alcohol can interfere with your ability to get or give clear consent. If you are unsure, then STOP and clarify. To determine more about what consent looks like, read What Consent Looks Like.

Although alcohol can lower your inhibitions, as your blood alcohol level rises, it can actually inhibit your ability to attain an erection and orgasm. In addition, alcohol consumption is associated with risky sexual behaviors, including unprotected sexual intercourse and multiple sex partners.

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