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  4. »Weekly global religious, spiritual and nonreligious observance information

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

December 6, 2021

Weekly global religious, spiritual and nonreligious observance information

Submitted by Stefan Yates

The President's Committee on Religion, Spirituality and Nonreligious Diversity presents the global observance information for the week of Dec. 6-Dec. 12.

Dec. 6, ST. Nicholas Day — Christian celebration of the birth of St. Nicholas, patron saint of children and role model for gift giving. Many churches are named for this saint, who is also the Dutch version of Santa Claus.

Dec. 8, Rohatsu (Bodhi Day) — Rohatsu is a Buddhist celebration of the enlightenment of the Buddha. A candle is lit every evening for 30 days, symbolizing enlightenment.

Dec. 8, Immaculate Conception of Mary — Catholic Christian The Immaculate Conception of Mary is the conception of the Virgin Mary without, according to the Roman Catholic Church, any stain of original sin.

Dec. 12, Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe — Catholic Christian observance honoring of the legendary appearance of the Virgin Mary near Mexico City in 1531 c.e.

The president's committee welcomes those of all global faith, spiritual and nonreligious worldview commitments.

For further information, please see our website and/or contact Beverley Earles, chair, at earles@k-state.edu.

The committee is looking for your input for observances to announce for the spring 2022 semester. If you have observances to contribute, please email earles@k-state.edu.